of respondents have experienced an increase in payment denials.
Health plans are increasingly denying provider reimbursement for medically necessary care.
Our survey found that 89% of respondents have experienced an increase in payment denials over the past three years, with 51% having experienced a “significant” increase in denials.
American Hospital Association Survey
December 2020
Commercial Insurance Claims Management
Commercial health insurance is any healthcare policy that is not administered or provided by a government program. There are roughly 6,000 insurance companies under the purview of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners in the United States. Health providers must contract with these insurance carriers and follow the policies and guidelines outlined in their agreements to be paid. These standards generate layers of protocol and policy that must be carefully followed to eventually receive payment for services provided. Our team of Commercial Insurance Claims Specialists command expertise across the gamut of coverage types, rules, and requirements involved in claims processing. Their knowledge spans all commercial carriers, nationwide.
MassHealth Claims Management
Persistent follow-up for prompt and proper payment
Our team of Medicaid Claims Specialists are seasoned experts in resolving denials that prevent payment. If 1,700 reasons aren’t enough, MassHealth has 1,701 Explanation of Benefits (EOB) reasons to suspend or deny a claim. or deny a claim.
Whether an eligibility issue, coding error, or other denial protocol prevents payment, we source the problem quickly and make necessary changes to initiate payment without further delay.
When necessary, we pursue appeal claims with the Final Deadline Appeals Board (FDAB).
Out-of-State Medicaid Claims Management
Every state has specific, exclusive Medicaid laws and regulations, as well the requirement that all healthcare facilities and attending physicians be enrolled in their state payment program. This generates complex layers of protocol that providers must abide by and process to be eligible for payment for services rendered.
Our team of Out-of-State Claims Specialists bring years of experience and expertise to understanding the thousands of rules and requirements associated with Medicaid enrollment and claims processing throughout the United States, ensuring that you are reimbursed appropriately.
Veterans Administration Claims Management
Our Veterans seek and coordinate treatment and services with Veterans Administration providers, or contracted healthcare organizations. So, when non-VA, acute-care hospitals provide emergency services to Veterans, they face a battle to get paid. The Veteran’s Administration (VA) requires medical documentation to verify the nature of the emergency for each claim submitted when there is no contract with a certain hospital. Even then, not all claims are approved for payment. Referring VA claims to PV Kent increases the probability that your hospital will be paid.
Our Claim Services Follow the Same Rigorous Process
When it comes to claims, the bottom line is, “A Clean Claim Gets Paid.”
Our claims processing team and proprietary system scrutinizes and scrubs submissions for likely errors, inconsistencies, and missing data.
PV Kent uses proprietary software in conjunction with industry leading Healthcare Management software to generate “clean claims” with no requirement to resort to a clearinghouse. Our tracking, follow up, and reporting modules are uniquely developed and customized to produce automated reports to allow us to monitor claims submissions in the most efficient manner.
PV Kent takes reporting one step further, our proprietary Denial Management software provides our clients with an in-depth analysis of their Denials for a selected period of time. Using this information, our providers can develop strategies to eliminate denials in the future. Our clients enjoy and benefit from this element of partnering with PV Kent at no additional cost.

Healthcare providers miss out on hundreds and thousands of dollars of potential revenue each year due to incorrect denials. These losses often occur because of contractual obligations, inadequate staffing, delays, and mistakes that are simply beyond the healthcare providers’ control.
PV Kent prevents and appeals denials with a level of attention that would be impractical for most healthcare providers. Even before a claim is submitted, our specialists discover and rectify potential problems caused by billing deadline discrepancies, coding errors, and lack of referrals.

In the instances where standard appeals procedures are unsuccessful, the Office of Medicaid or the insurance carrier, denies a claim for inappropriate reasons, PV Kent’s legal team offers advocacy and negotiation services, as well as litigation support. Our attorneys have the qualifications to appeal claims to the highest level, request fair hearings, and file complaints for judicial review with the appropriate court when appropriate.
These PV Kent characteristics trump the capabilities of our competitors and accelerate our client’s chances to be paid. PV Kent is nationally recognized and well known throughout the healthcare insurance industry. This edge forces carriers to carefully consider our claims submissions before issuing a denial and most often results in payment.